Brian Thibeau
Connections Telehealth Consortium
Brian Thibeau is a Maine native and is retired from non-profit leadership and management. His career included leadership positions with community action agencies in Presque Isle and Bangor, Maine, practice administrator for a Bangor, Maine based orthopedic group which included an ambulatory surgery center and an occupational and physical therapy department. He also served as the CEO of a multi-specialty medical group practice in Northern Maine. He is a founding member of the Connections Telehealth Consortium and has served as its President since its inception in 2015. He has previously served as a member and Chair of the Maine Human Rights Commission and was a founding member of the Loring Development Authority in Northern Maine, serving as a member, Treasurer, Vice Chair, and Chair of its Board of Trustees. He resides in Bangor, Maine.
Red Hutchinson
Vice President
Connections Telehealth Consortium
S. Red Hutchinson is the retired CIO of LRGHealthcare which has hospitals in Laconia and Franklin, NH. His extensive background in networks starting with the telephone company (including Bell Communications Research) and continuing into insurance, banking and culminating with healthcare has helped him achieve success in the IT world. He joined CTC during its inception. He currently resides in Florida and enjoys his activities with music production, Amateur Radio, and RVing. Red has been involved with most aspects of the program and continues to contribute as Vice President.