Navigating the Healthcare Connect Fund on your own is like filing your taxes without an intuitive program or the expertise of an accountant. If you want your taxes to be the most accurate and you want to get the most out of your refund, you go to the experts. We want to help you gain everything you can from the healthcare connect fund.

Here’s how we can offer you our expertise when it comes to telehealth and healthcare communication:


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Healthcare Connect Fund Navigation

HealthConnect Networks and our partners have not only successfully navigated and received the largest single healthcare subsidy awarded to date from the Universal Service Fund, but we were also instrumental in the FCC policy development process. Cited over 20 times in policy documentation, we have used our industry experience and technical expertise to help shape what is the Healthcare Connect Fund today. The ability to get you up to 65% subsidy on your data network and information infrastructure.

Consortium Development

Requirements of the Healthcare Connect fund dictate urban medical centers must work within a consortium that contains at least 50% + 1 rural providers. As the principle architect of the New England Telehealth Consortium (NETC), the largest single telehealth consortium in the United States, we have the experience and proven track record of building consortia for the benefit of urban and rural healthcare providers alike. We have used our expertise to build consortia in many states around the country.

RFP Expertise

The technical know-how of crafting, communicating, and managing a Request for Proposals (RFP) takes a balance of efficiency, organization, and technical expertise. With an integrated suite of proprietary scoring and analytic database tools, HealthConnect Networks has the ability to find the greatest value, lowest cost, and highest return on your project investment.

Project Management

We walk you through the process, answering questions and explaining details along the way. In addition, we help you to gather the right data for government forms.

Network Engineering

Our engineering department creates a diagram form of your network and simplifies the process of getting you to the point where you are able to choose the best vendor or vendors for services and equipment most appropriate to your organization’s needs.